Opening Portland's First Zero-Waste Sustainable Flower Shop

We never imagined how easy and welcome it would be to open a flower shop exclusively stocked with locally grown flowers here in Portland.


An extremely short off-season happens over the holidays while we focus on holiday garlands and wreaths. To our surprise and delight, shortly after the holidays end, late Winter begins to yield early spring flowers from greenhouses around the area.

Stocking locally made ceramics and ribbon has proven fruitful and accessible (stay tuned for our vendor features!). Working with vendors to wrap in biodegradable paper instead of single-use plastic has been easier than expected and the TURN-OUT and SUPPORT of our community has been massive!

Without all of you, this wouldn’t have been possible. You’ve shown you CARE about where your flowers come from! That you care about how your flowers are treated! You care about your carbon footprint! This care you’ve shown towards our planet has already affected real change in the floral industry here in Portland.

Thank you to everyone who came out to our opening event, stay tuned for more events in the shop and around town!